The Pool of Tribute (Extreme)



Phase 1 Alerts

  • Tank the boss in the center of the arena during this phase.
  • Players should stop all movement and attacks when they see dice markers above their heads.
  • Players targeted by Brightstorm and Thunderhead should be wary of how the column AoE is placed to avoid covering Brightstorm's safe zone.
Attack Script
  • Assail
  • Churning
  • Brightstorm
  • Assail
  • Churning
  • Rasen Kaikyo
  • Brightstorm & Thunderhead

Tank Healer Tankbuster

Important Notes:
  • This attack does moderate damage and has no telegraph but is cast after each 'set' of mechanics.

Everyone Mechanic

Important Notes:
  • This attack will give 4 players the Churn debuff that lasts 10 seconds.
  • At 3 seconds left on the timer, a die marker will spawn above players signalling that they should STOP moving and attacking.
  • If players do not stop movement before the dice hit 0 they will be hit with a Lightning Resist Down debuff.

Rasen Kaikyo
Everyone Puddle AoE

Important Notes:
  • All players will be targeted by this attack and drop a puddle where they stand - run out of these as soon as possible to avoid high damage and lightning resist debuffs.

Everyone Marker Knockback Stack Area AoE

Important Notes:
  • A player will be marked with an orange marker and be knocked back across the arena - they will then be immediately targeted with a stack marker and should back up to the group to help soak damage.
  • Audio Cue: The seas part for we alone!
  • This audio cue is followed by an arena-wide AoE that has a single, thin column safe zone - this area will be determined by the direction the player knocked back by Brightstorm has traveled.
  • Stand in the safe zone to avoid being knocked into the air and a lightning resist debuff.

Column AoE Everyone

Important Notes:
  • Clouds will spawn around the edge of the arena and target a single player with multiple column AoEs - this player can bait these columns away from the rest of the group.
  • When cast in combination with Brightstorm, a single Thunderhead will target the player already targeted for Brightstorm - be wary of how you bait the column AoE.
  • When cast in combination with Levin Bolt, the 2nd player marked will be targeted by the Thunderhead.

Phase 2 Alerts

  • A tank must claim the white marker during this phase to shield the group - they will have to mash a button to keep the raid alive.
  • While the off-tank deals with the Shock Orbs, all other players should focus on DPSing the large blades to avoid wiping during Susano's ultimate.
  • Tanks will have to swap positions after each Blade Shadow.
Attack Script
  • [Blade Shadow & Shock Orbs]
  • [Repeat]
  • Blade

Blade Shadow & Shock Orbs

Blade Shadow
Tank Active Time Maneuver
  • Susano will leave the arena and pick up a giant sword - a tank should click on the white and purple marker that spawns to shield the group from the attack.
  • The tank that takes the mechanic will have to repeatedly mash a button to keep the raid safe.
  • DPS should focus down the giant sword as soon as possible.
  • Tanks should swap each Blade Shadow as it will apply a Slashing Resist Down debuff each time it hits.
Shock Orbs
Tank Mechanic
  • Purple orbs will spawn around the arena and the off-tank should run around bursting them to keep them away from the group.

Everyone Ultimate

Important Notes:
  • Susano's ultimate will wipe the raid if the group has not DPS'd down both blades during the previous mechanic.
  • This attack will place a red column AoE through the middle of the arena - avoid this.
  • Healers should be wary of the damage from this attack.
  • This attack will leave a PERMANENT column AoE puddle on the arena for the remainder of the fight that will kill players who stand in it for too long.

Phase 3 Alerts

  • The boss has an enrage timer that activates at around 14 minutes and 40 seconds - he will then continuously cast Ukehi until the group wipes.
  • Tank the boss next to the AoE left by his ultimate, towards the middle of the arena.
  • Tanks will have to swap continuously after each Stormsplitter.
  • Use the audio cues to determine which Levin Bolt is being cast as everyone will have to know how to respond.
  • During Earth and Stone it is helpful to mark the stone prison that contains your trapped teammate to ensure everyone breaks them out quickly.
Earth and Stone & The Sealed Gate
  • This mechanic will trap a player in a stone prison and shuffle it with 3 empty ones - the player will die if not freed fast enough.
  • The correct prison will always be at the bottom of players' enmity list.
Churning & Rasen Kaikyo x2
  • Eventually players will be hit with Churning, only to then be hit with Rasen Kaikyo twice in a row.
  • Players should move out of the first Rasen Kaikyo - STOP to allow Churn to fall off - then immediately move out of the second Rasen Kaikyo.
Attack Script
  • Stormsplitter
  • Levin Bolt I
  • Ukehi
  • Brightstorm & Thunderhead
  • Stormsplitter
  • Levin Bolt I & Thunderhead
  • Ukehi
  • Earth and Stone & The Sealed Gate
  • Rasen Kaikyo
  • Stormsplitter
  • Levin Bolt II
  • Various Combinations

Tank Healer Tankbuster

Important Notes:
  • This attack does high damage - tanks will be required to cooldown through it.
  • Tank swapping is necessary as Stormsplitter applies a Slashing Resist Down II debuff to the player it hits.

Levin Bolt I
Everyone Marker AoE Puddle

Important Notes:
  • Audio Cue: Hark you to the tumultuous heavens!
  • 4 players in a row will be marked with purple markers.
  • Players marked for this attack will drop a heavy hitting lightning AoE - jump across to the other side of the arena (across the division) to drop this attack safely.
  • When a Thunderhead appears during this attack, the Thunderhead will always target the second player marked for Levin Bolt.

Earth and Stone & The Sealed Gate

Earth and Stone
Everyone Mechanic
  • Audio Cue: Earth and stone at our beck and call!
  • This attack will encase one player in a stone prison and shuffle it amongst 3 other empty ones - players must free the trapped player before The Sealed Gate kills them.
  • The correct prison will always be at the bottom of players' enmity list.
The Sealed Gate
Everyone Mechanic
  • The player targeted by Earth and Stone will be subjected to this attack - if they are not freed from the stone prison, this attack will immediately kill them.

Healer Raid Wide AoE

Important Notes:
  • Healers should watch out for this cast and heal through it as necessary.

Levin Bolt II
Everyone Marker AoE Puddle

Important Notes:
  • Audio Cue: Now cometh our part! Make Way!
  • 4 players in a row will be marked with purple markers.
  • Players marked for this attack will be stunned and drop a heavy hitting lightning AoE.
  • All other players should jump across the arena's division to the safe side.